For a limited time until October 31, Ki Cafe, an anime-themed cafe, most known for their wall of manga, located in Burnaby, is launching two new items as part of the Vancouver Fall Food Fest 2024 by Nomsmag. These are:
- 🍦 Hoijicha Parfait
- 🧇 Mont Blanc Waffle
- 🌰 Mont Blanc Cheesetart
- 🍓Velvet-T
- 🥭Taiwan Mango
Ki Cafe also offer a wide range of Japanese waffles, soft serve, cakes, bubble tea, and savory lunch options. However, it’s important to note that they have a no laptop or studying policy, as they encourage you to relax and enjoy their extensive manga library instead!
For more information, click here to check their website!
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